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Benton Facial Recognition

A. L. Benton

Measures the ability of brain-damaged patients to match unfamiliar faces .

Benton Judgment of Line Orientation

A. L. Benton

Measures visuospatial judgment in brain-injured patients.

Benton Laboratory of Neuropsychology: Selected Tests

A. L. Benton, A. B. Sivan, S. Hamsher, Ni.R. Varney, O. Spreen, G. J. Rey, and A. B. Sivan.

Presents a clear and concise description of the Benton Laboratory Tests

Benton Pantomime Recognition

A. L. Benton

Provide additional substantive data in the evaluation of brain-damaged patients.

Benton Visual Form Discrimination

A. L. Benton

Measures ability to discriminate between complex visual configurations.

BIP, Business-Focused Inventory of Personality: UK Version

R. Hossiep and M. Paschen

The BIP is suitable for use in selection, development, coaching, career counselling. Suitable for use with board executives and middle to senior managerial levels.

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