CCTT, Children's Color Trails Test


A. M. Llorente, J. Williams, P. Satz, and L. F. D'Elia




approximately 5-7 minutes.


8 to 16 years.

Otras lenguas disponibles

  • Inglés


  • MATERIAL DE IMPORTACIÓN, escolar y clínica.

CCTT, Children's Color Trails Test (a)

Measure sustained attention, sequencing, and other executive skills.
CCTT, Children's Color Trails Test

The CCTT assesses sustained attention, sequencing, and other executive functions while reducing reliance on language and diminishing the effects of cultural bias and parental verbal report.

  • Retains many similarities to the original children’s version of the Trail Making Test but substitutes color for letters, increasing the suitability of the test in cross-cultural contexts and with special needs populations.
  • Can be administered using nonverbal instructions.
  • Normative data were collected from 678 healthy children and more than 500 children in various clinical groups.
  • Alternate-form reliability between Form K and Form X for Part 1 and Part 2 was .85 and .90, respectively. Time raw scores for Part 1 and Part 2 exhibited good temporal clinical stability, with coefficients ranging from .90 to .99 across various time intervals.
  • Demonstrates a good level of convergent validity with the Children’s Trail Making Test and other instruments designed to assess attention.
Precio orientativo
(sin IVA)
Children´s Color Trails Test Introductory Kit.
499,75 €
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