Advancing Suicide Research


Kairi Kõlves, Merike Sisask, Peeter Värnik, Airi Värnik, Diego De Leo


Hogrefe Publishing

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Advancing Suicide Research (a)

Advancing Suicide Research

A one-stop book for anyone who wants a clear overview of the research approaches and issues concerning suicide:

- Learn to use the appropriate methods

- Improve the quality of your data

- Get to know state-of-the-art approaches

- Written by leading experts

This is a one-stop book for anyone who wants an overview of the research approaches and issues concerning suicide. Leading researchers provide a comprehensive toolbox of the current best practices in suicide research, showing you how to conduct high-quality research using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods in suicide-prevention from a public health perspective. Other aspects that are crucial to effective suicide research are also presented, including the proper use of epidemiological measures and study designs, definitional issues, historical background, and ethical aspects.

The clearly written chapters include both theoretical and practical information along with specific examples from different areas of suicide research and prevention, and also explore essential topics such as psychological autopsies, health economics, and technological advances. This volume is ideal for researchers, students, and academics interested in suicide research, as well as policy makers, clinicians, and other practitioners.

From the reviews

"An invaluable resource. Advancing Suicide Research offers a masterclass in a public health approach allowing emerging researchers to draw on the insights and experience of those leading the field within an accessible textbook format. The comprehensive and systematic discussion of key concepts and ideas allows the reader to better understand and critically engage with the field in terms of how their own work can make a contribution. The treatment of approaches and methods offers students and graduate researchers valuable guidance for designing and developing their own studies."
Bernard Leckning, PhD, Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University, NT, Australia, in Crisis (2021),

Praise for the book

"The most comprehensive text in the field of suicide research methods." From the Foreword by Prof. Gil Zalsman, MD, MHA, BSc, President of the International Academy for Suicide Research (IASR)

"Suicide prevention globally has never had a higher profile and research into suicide has never been more important. This excellent multiauthor book is unique because it brings together the latest thinking about how we might best investigate the causes of suicide and ultimately reduce its devastating toll. In addition to providing practical how-to advice on observational, interventional, and systematic review methodologies, the book also covers areas that are sometimes neglected, such as qualitative and mixed methods, health economics, and the evaluation of prevention strategies at scale. It also includes a very important discussion of the ethical aspects of suicide research. This book will be of great use to all researchers who work in the field of suicidal behavior, but it will be invaluable to early-career researchers. I wish there had been something like it when I started out!"
Nav Kapur, MBChB, MMedSc, MD, FRCPsych, Professor of Psychiatry and Population Health, University of Manchester, UK

"This book is a tree of knowledge! Beginning from the roots of suicide research, it branches into nomenclature, epidemiology, ethics, and methods of research, and then culminates in the new leaves of digital technology. The book distills the essentials of suicide research methods and describes them with clarity for all current and future suicide researchers."
Lakshmi Vijayakumar, PhD, FRCP (Edin), FRCPsych (Hon), Founder of SNEHA Suicide Prevention Centre, India; Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Voluntary Health Services, Chennai, India; Honorary Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia

Advancing Suicide Research.
Advancing Suicide Research
  • Precio
    46,68 €
  • Precio (I.V.A. incluido)
    48,55 €
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